Services FATTORI SAFEST offers a complete service, fromthe design to the realization of the product, aswellasassistance and maintenance of perforating machines, embossing machines, stamping machines,, dry marking machines and validating machines. The company treats every request with attention and professionalism, with the objective of providing a high quality finished product with customized functions that meet the customer’s needs.

The FATTORI SAFEST design department boasts more than a century of experience: the technical personnel’s expertise permits the satisfaction of every need – industrial, corporate and administrative – through the development of functional, ‘made to measure’ solutions.
In addition to the production of standard series of perforating machines, embossing machines and dry markers, the company cancustomize format and functionof the machines.
Sales and shipment
FATTORI SAFEST has earned a reputation throughout Italy and abroad for the high quality of its products and services, including the sale and shipment of perforating machines, validating machines and other equipment. By relying on a network of specialized couriers, the company can guarantee safe, fast and punctual deliveries in Italy, Europe and the world.
To resolve any doubts concerning the choice of the right perforating, embossing machine and dry marking machine for the task at hand, FATTORI SAFEST offers a purchasing assistance and servicing service. Customers are informed as to the characteristics of each machine and can ask for modifications or customizations, making their decisions more accurate and informed.
Maintenance and technical assistance
The company provides post-sales technical assistance anywhere in the country, carrying out repairs on the perforating machines and on the entire production line as well as scheduled maintenance interventions, necessary for long-term functioning, and relies on collaborators for assignments in Europe and the rest of the world
Fattori Safest
offers a constantly evolving line of equipment, designed to meet specific needs: from anti-counterfeiting perforating machines to dry marking machines for checking numbering and industrial coding.